Monday, May 11, 2009

my three favorite mother's day moments: 2009

1. Our bishop announced that after church we would have a special mother's day activity on the back lawn of the church. Usually, they give us flowers for mother's day (I never really understood, but whatever), so I figured that's what it would be. Suddenly, the guy sitting next to me (I think he might be 12 years old....) leans over and says, "why do we celebrate mother's day in the single's ward?"
-To which I responded, "well gosh, I don't know...I'm sorry if it's a problem for you."
-Then he whispered really softly, "Is it because it's an older single's ward?"
Words cannot express the incredulous look I gave him.

2. So, after Relief Society, we all went out the back door to claim our plant/flower that we could do 1 of 2 things with: Give to our own mothers who are actual mothers or keep and watch it slowly die. But when we walked outside, instead of a long table with little plastic pots on it, there was a long table with brownies, waffle cups, whipped cream, hot fudge, nuts and a soft serve ice cream machine.

Best Mother's Day Gift ever.

3. At ward prayer last night, they had us go around the room and tell what our mothers taught us. Most people said things like "how to show compassion" or "how to reach my goals" or "that I am loved unconditionally". Then one of the last girls was like, "my mother taught me not to be afraid of death." I wonder if there's a story there....


jojoba said...

Is her mother alive? Also, why didn't you tell us what you said that your mother taught you?

Mary Ann said...

We had ice cream too. Way better than a stupid half-dead flower!

Andrea said...

I want ice cream. And I hope the girl that said that was also Star Trek girl.. that'd be amazing.

Julie Baldwin said...

My lame flower is sitting on my counter waiting to go to my mom's house. I want ice cream! My mom's ward gave out CDs. I went to the wrong ward on Sunday. Maybe we'll go to the singles ward next year.

Jeff said...

I love the "older singles ward" comment. That made me so happy. I always figured it was more of a women's appreciation day. I think that's why they celebrate it in the singles ward. Either that or it's an older singles ward, one of the two.

jojoba said...

My singles' branch had talks about mothers' day, but that was all the celebration we got. No treats. No flowers. No nothing.

Cox Family said...

We had brownie sundays on Mother's day and also on Father's day we had pie and ice cream in our ward in Riverside, I miss it.... although we didn't do to shabby here in TX we got Dove chocolate bars, yum!

Robyn said...

I got Squat!(From the ward) I guess that is what i get for being in Primary all the time.

Good thing Jeff is on top of things. He gave me "Mary Poppins". He is the best.