Monday, March 30, 2009

who is mother nature, anyway

I woke up this morning and was greeted by this:

I have not been this stunned in a long time. Sure it has been cold lately, and I heard it was supposed to snow yesterday...but after about 2 flurry flakes in the early afternoon, I thought that's all it was referring to. Then, this?! What is that, 6 inches of snow?! Ok, maybe 5....

What in the world is mother nature up to?

Also...speaking of mother nature...(get ready for blond Melissa to reveal herself)...who is she? Growing up I learned that she was the magical force behind the weather. But then people started referring to "the curse" and "aunt flo" as "mother nature's monthly gift". There's even that new commercial that shows mother nature magically appearing to a woman and bringing her a wrapped package with a bow (I know that's how I feel about it...'sweet! it's like my birthday every month!') Then last night someone told me that mother nature was calling so I assumed she meant it was her aunt flo calling...but I never did clarify with her and I think she was actually just referring to needing to use the bathroom. It seems that mother nature is one busy lady covering all those different aspects of our life all around the globe.

I think perhaps when it's just a normal bathroom visit, it's just under the heading of "nature's calling" I right? Ugh, I'm so confused.

Whatever she does, this morning's gift was pretty darn amazing.


Jeff said...

I've never really thought about that before. I don't think it's fair that you get a monthly gift and I get nothing. (I didn't say who gets the bad end of the unfair deal though)

jojoba said...

um...interesting topic

tanyamae said...

my sister once told me a story... she was pregnant and being extra unawesome as people sometime are when they dont feel good... her husband was pretty annoyed and stormed off... his words to her were, "Its a good thing you are pretty!"... Those words kept going through my mind as I watched the snow pile up the last few days... Mother Natures quite a lady... and as the song goes...