Friday, January 22, 2010

part 11 of 364

Things that keep Melissa alive

Part 11: Poached Eggs, a food of the gods

Few foods comfort me as much as poached eggs. That's why monday was a comfortless day. Due to my milk disappearing trick, I had to resort to cold cereal that day. Cold cereal is just that: cold. Comfort had to be put off until last night when I brought out the frying pan once again and settled in, unmoved, to watch my pot of milk take forever (of course) to boil. But, it was all worth it. When the eggs were finally done (20 minutes later) I had myself some soft, warm, eggy, buttery, toasty goodness.

For the record: I have never had an egg poached in just water. Does that seem bland to anyone else? Growing up, our eggs were always poached in either milk or tomato soup. Then when you lay your eggs on toast, you can drizzle milk or tomato soup over it all to soften the toast and make it even more divine. Imagine drizzling water on your toast? Not comforting.

Another interesting poached egg note: I don't think I know anyone my age that actually eats them... and most haven't even tried one! Am I right? I find my only poached allies (not that the allies are boiled in liquid..) are my old lady friends at the temple. They have given me good tips about poaching and, in return, I have seen their eyebrows raise at the suggestion of a milk or tomato soup poached egg.

I believe poached eggs are a food of the gods. Other foods of the gods include:
I tried to keep this a list of classy foods (because would gods really eat twinkies?) but these are not the only foods I like. Just the less processed, more pure ones. What are your foods of the gods?


jojoba said...


Tia said...

You must be a fan of the movie Julia & Julie. :) I've never tried a poached egg before. I am scared of a runny yolk.

Jeff said...

I've never tried a poached egg, but eggs in general are on my food og the gods list so I should try them poached. Also, in addition to the things on your list I would like to add bacon. Bacon is the ultimate food of the gods.

Robyn said...

I LOVE chunky peanut butter (I know most like creamy, but I love the crunch). I love it on tons of stuff: crackers, bread, celery, apples, pancakes etc. Well, I must also say I have not tried poached eggs, but if Jeff wants to try them then I might need to as well (though I don't really like milk or tomato soup, so would water be ok?).

Julie Baldwin said...

Chips and salsa...really good salsa.

Kim said...

I have also never tried a poached egg, but after reading this I think I'm gonna have to make one! To your list of foods I would add asparagus, blueberries, and watermelon. Now I'm hungry!

Stacey said...

Cottage Cheese.

rob said...

Ha! We had poached eggs for breakfast today! We poached them in chicken broth, which is about all the kids will allow.

But we also like them poached in SALSA!!!! Then you can put them on a tostada shell, with a little cheese... mmmm!

jaustin620 said...

How about fresh corn on the cob? One of my favorites. Kim I didn't know we never had poached eggs. I have only made them once or twice since you have moved away. The salsa eggs sound good. Aunt Jane

Jana and Rob said...

Rob introduced me to poached eggs. His parents have little poaching cups you put above a pan of boiling water. We cook ours in butter then grind black pepper on top. Yum! Food of the Gods for me would be spaghetti. I have loved it my whole life!

marlamuppets said...

ok i LOVE ADORE WORSHIP poached eggs. they are so yummy!

i love twinkies too.


bethy said...

I have never had the desire to try poached eggs until now. Your list of foods made my mouth water. YUM! Do you think the gods would like warm brownies and vanilla ice cream?

P.S. Awesome that you're going/went(?) to South Africa. I saw Elder Steven E Snow a couple of months ago and he told me that they no longer have sister missionaries there because i is too dangerous. Be safe on your trip.

Lou said...

Doritos! Also I never had a poached egg til I lived with you and your family and to be honest I HATED when they were made with tomato soup. Blech! BUT your dad made the BEST biscuits.