Monday, January 18, 2010

my particular set of skills

On friday, I watched Taken. A movie where, at one point, Liam Neeson says: "I have a very particular set of skills." Those skills seem to be killing everyone with the slightest flick of his wrist. But, for the record, I think he also has voice skills.
btw, I'm practicing falling in love with older men... don't you think he's kind of hot?

This made me think: What kind of skills do I have? Are my skills particular, as well? Or are they just peculiar?

Here are the skills that I tallied up from just this weekend's events:
  • Intense movie watching skills. Somehow, I was able to watch Taken without feeling stressed or having nightmares about my upcoming trip to South Africa - So I might get kidnapped and thrown into a prostitution what?
  • Snowshoeing skills. I was the only one in our group of about 12 that kept gracefully tripping on her snowshoes... Why won't any of those guys call me?
  • Crying skills. This has been happening for a while: If I'm visiting teaching, we can be talking about nothing (seriously..movies, sports...nothing) and my eyes will water up. I'm sure this is confusing to those I visit teach and I blame it on my weird sinuses.
  • Looking like a fool while conducting relief society skills. Seriously. Can't I just keep my fat mouth shut and conduct the meeting like a normal RS president?
  • Milk disappearing skills. This happened just this morning. I decided to poach an egg and so I put some milk in a small frying pan and put a lid on it on the stove to heat. I went downstairs to put lotion on my face for 2 minutes. When I came back up and lifted up the lid to the pan, every last drop of that milk was gone. I later discovered it transplanted underneath all the burners. I'm magic! Also, my magic smells like scorched milk.


Tia said...

You must add "witty" to your list of skills. This post is so funny! You are "practicing liking older men"? Hmmm...
I didn't know you were going to South Africa! When, for what? Are you hoping to meet Matt Damon?
I didn't know you are the RS pres! Since when, are you going to marry the EQP?
Looks like you've found your new job - magician!

We need to talk more often so your posts like this aren't all new info for me!

Andrea said...

Liam Neeson is single.. due to a rather unfortunate and tragic accident. But still.. he's available.. just saying.

And the conducting.. how I wish for the same and wish I didn't feel like a fool every time I sit down after conducting.

jojoba said...

I remember that foolish RS conducting feeling. I also remember, however, realizing that everyone else who conducted felt the same. I have food burning skills. We made omlettes during my mom's YW presidency meeting and left them in a cloud of food smoke. It smells like bacon.

Julie Baldwin said...

I too felt like a fool anytime I was conducting. Now I get to feel like a fool for 40 minutes each Sunday because I'm the Primary chorister.

Jeff said...

I'm impressed. You have some serious skills.

Stacey said...

I'm pretty sure by now you're realizing that your looking like a fool while conducting skills are pretty average, but I thought I'd add my two cents on that note. But you already know that.

jaustin620 said...

Wow, I didn't know you were RS Pres. and it sounds like Jenny was too. Kimberlee and Janalyn have both been Pres. in their wards too. (Students wards) I crack up every time I read your blog. I need to read it more often to get my daily or weekly laugh. Aunt Jane

marlamuppets said...

melissa, no one likes a boring RS president so i'm glad you are keeping it real!

and seriously, who is gracefull at snow shoeing?
you are supposed to trip - just like phoebe flails her arms when she runs, you trip when you go snowshoeing, it's just more fun that way. :)