I like that it rhymes like a poem. Kind of like a Haiku, only it's not 17 syllables divided into 3 lines of 5, 7 and 5. But, other than that it's very similar.
You know how you hear ads on the radio and think, 'I could come up with a better slogan than that'? Well, I've had my share of those thoughts in my lifetime. So, when I was given an opportunity last week to work in marketing I naturally turned it down. The obvious reason is that it would have been more money and...well...we all know that my goal is to get married to an artist, make less than $10,000 a year between us, build our house out of straw and mud, and live a life (happy life, of course) of abject poverty. Yet, somehow someone of authority telling me that they think I'd be good at marketing boosted my confidence. It's only been a week and I've already had several conversations where I have used the phrases "well, from a marketing perspective..." and "from my past eBay marketing experience..." to sway someone to my 'marketing' way of thinking.
bla, bla, bla...Where's the irony part of this soliloquy.
A couple of weeks ago, I used my marketing brilliance to list some rock climbing boots on eBay for my brother. He insisted that we put a $45 reserve on them just to be safe. I did so and about 10 bidders bid back and forth until they reached $41.99 at what point they stopped and the listing ended without selling. Last week, feeling all-knowing, I told my brother that I thought it was the reserve that discouraged the bidders. They didn't know how close they were to reaching the reserve and finally just gave up. I told him I thought we should list them again, without a reserve this time, and then sit back and watch the battle of the bidders!
Yesterday, I remembered that the listing was supposed to end, so I excitedly looked to see how high it had gotten. The winner from NY survived the bidding onslaught with his $1.04 bid. I can't wait to get my 10% cut!
1 comment:
Good job on the shoes. Have you told Jon yet?
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