Saturday, May 13, 2006

B as in: baked beans

So, I found out this week that there is at least one person (other than those that comment) that just checks out my blog every so often to update themselves on what I have written. I suddenly feel more responsibility to keep it updated;)
What an interesting couple of weeks it has been for me. As I've pondered upon the recent events; wondering on their purpose, I've tried to somehow lump them all together into one major life lesson I could learn. What is that one lesson, you may ask? (I know you are all in suspense, now) I don't know. I really couldn't say what one thing Heavenly Father is trying to tell me at this point. I think, instead, there are so many areas of my life that need improving that He's pointing them all out to me at once! Maybe that's why I struggle sometimes more than others. I expect to worry about one thing at a time and when more is given to me before I am ready for it, I throw my hands in the air with the exclaimation of: "what gives?!"
With that, let me just point out a few of my recent thoughts.
A couple of months ago, I met with my dad to discuss my new year's resolutions. As I discussed how much I would like to save a month (drawing from how much I've been able to save from each paycheck in the past) he asked me, "what are you saving for?" I didn't really know...I've pictured myself needing to buy a car sometime, but other than that, I haven't really had a destination for all the money I have been saving. I have just felt driven to save all that I can. Aren't we just supposed to do that? Basically, his question threw me off quite a bit. This last week, a realization hit me, however. Not only was it a hit; but it was a hit and run. A semi plowed me over and then left without a trace...really;)
Ok, so it's figurative. I recently had all my CD's stolen (last week) then, this week, have had several doctors visits and a surgery that will cost me upwards of 1000 dollars, I estimate. (Lovin' that 80/20 plan with a 500 dollar deductable) The day that I found out the cost of my surgery, I was driving with JJ to Wall mart and got a speeding ticket that will end up costing me about 100. Guess my mass CD buy-back idea will have to be put on hold for a while ;)
What if all that time that I was driven to save, was because Heavenly Father knew what was in store for me months down the road? Now, my next question is: these last few trials aren't going to drain my savings completely by's comming up next? Dare I ask?! Many a time in the last 3 weeks, I have quoted to myself, "sharp rocks at the bottom? Bring it on!"
I think I'll have a toasted bean and cheese sandwich for lunch today. :D


Jon said...

Bring it on. It's a good motto. As long as you trust in the Lord, it will all work out. You can always live in a cardboard box and eat beans in a can. That's what I figure your title meant. Sorry things have been so rough. Hang in there. It's all worth it, somehow.

entrada1 said...

Hi Larsh!

Good to have you back posting! Maybe the Lord was inspiring you to save so you'd be prepared for what was coming... and now that what's come has come, you still have money left. What a blessing! The Lord may now be saying, "see, I blessed you above what you thought you required... now how will you use the talents I've given?"

You're the tops!

glarcy said...

ug...that's not what I want to hear! ;)
But, I do agree, that I have been blessed to be financially prepared for this month of disaster.
good luck today, btw! hope it goes well!