Wednesday, November 02, 2011

part 29 of 365

Things that keep Melissa alive

Part 29: someone to care for

I know you have a hard time being shocked by this, but I have discovered that I'm a little like a man.  I like to solve people's problems.  It's hard for me to listen to someone's problem and just sympathize.  I want to fix it!  I guess I like having someone to take care of.  Enter Snakey.

Remember the small lizard I had for approximately one week before the parenting anxiety became too much for me and had to return him to the wild?  He was just a warm up for the small snake that I obtained in July this year.  Much baby-snake talking has commenced since then.  I wonder if that ever stops...  Will I still be speaking to him in high, squeaky tones when he's in college?  Will he still cuddle on my lap when he's married?  I guess we can only wait and see.

I'm like most parents in that I think he is more cute than the neighbor's snakes.  And he's not nearly as whiny in the grocery store.

But, I realized this week that I have officially become one of those annoying pet owners that tell you the most boring stories about their beloved pet.  I have even started dreaming about him.  And these dreams may reveal a little too much about how dear he actually is to me.  The other night I had several dreams about him:  That he was grown-up and moved away from home.  That he actually spoke to me and thanked me for taking care of him (seriously).  Do I really secretly wish that he was grateful for everything I do for him?

When I really think about it, I'm pretty sure all that time that he spends "exploring and playing" in his cage is actually him trying to get away from this crazy lady that is holding him hostage and doesn't feed him nearly enough and stares at him creepily through the glass.  I guess I should be glad that he can't actually speak, because I can continue on in my fairy-pretend land where my snake loves me.  And that keeps me alive.