Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the font of my mind

I've had fonts on my mind lately. I think it's because of my trip to California last week, and I'll explain why a bit later.

Have you ever noticed the font trends? Like clothing, fonts go through trends, as well. I think the first time I realized that the font world consisted of more than Times New Roman was in High School. Enter Comic Sans.

Every time I see this font, I think of my 10th and 11th grade math class. My teacher had apparently just discovered the fonts in wordperfect and decided that this was her favorite. She used Comic Sans on every math test, disclosure document, and bulletin board item. She must have been a trend setter because I then saw Comic Sans everywhere.

By now, the trend has mostly passed. The one exception is the lower grade school teacher (who I believe the font was made for anyway).

Follow me to college in the late 90's and early 2000's when every wedding invitation used Papyrus:

This font was so overused in fact, that people began making fun of it

But, can you blame people for liking it? Wouldn't you feel more important receiving an invitation that looked like it was from the emperor of Rome?

Enter the 2000's, and the stay-at-home-mormon-mother-photographer-and-blogger phase. Does this look familiar?

That's right: Scriptina. It started showing up EVERYWHERE. And I mean that. Blogs, wedding invitations (the new papyrus), billboards, company logos, and just basically anything that you wanted to attach heartfelt meaning to. It's still around, sadly. Because once you design permanently in Scriptina, you are stuck with a logo that is so heartfelt that no one can actually read it.

I'd like now, to submit to you the future trendy font. As we know, California trends trickle west.

Let me introduce you to Copperplate Gothic Bold. Every grocery store in California had a store front that looked like this:

I even saw road signs in this font. I suppose that it could be that this font trend will stay isolated to the middle California coastal region but my bet is that we will eventually see it in the highly font-trendy Utah region. And with your help, we can make it happen. Copperplate Gothic Bold: First California, then Utah... Then THE WORLD!


Andrea said...

Ah.. Scriptina is my favorite! Are you sure you want to try to bring Copperplate Gothic Bold west?! This is pretty funny though, never really thought of it that way but you're right. And I'm lovin the new blog look!

glarcy said...

Ha... good catch. But of course, I meant that california trends trickle on over to Japan... then the world!

Trent & Emily Davies said...

Oh man...Scriptina is EVERYWHERE in Utah...and just so you know 2 weeks ago I made an Eagle Scout Court of Honor invitation and used Copperplate Gothic Bold....does this mean I am a trendsetter?!?

Jeff said...

I'm all about wingding, I'm just sayin'

Julie Baldwin said...

I've always liked Copperplate Gothic Bold. Though, the school teacher in me will always have a soft spot for Comic Sans.

Cox Family said...

I've never even noticed fonts that closely before. I guess that's the artist in you. But I like the new look!

jojoba said...

I'm glad you included that comic. When I first started reading this post, I thought that I would look it up and post it in my comment. No need. Anyway, I have always loved Haettenschweiler.

Stacey said...

I'm a fan of CK Journaling personally. Can't stop using it.

Jana and Rob said...

I know a teacher at my school who uses Comic Sans for everything! I also love CK Journaling as a teacher! That is so funny that there are even trends in font. And the whole stay-at-home-mom-photographer-bloggers trend cracks me up! Rob and I try to add up how many of those we know. Just because you have a nice camera doesn't make you a professional photographer.