Monday, July 20, 2009

what are little ghettos made of

I made a terrible discovery this weekend.

Friday, I stopped by my mom's house to get her mail for her and also the mail of two of her neighbors. One of them lives around the corner on 4th east. So I walked down to retrieve their mail. As I walked back toward's mom's house, I passed a tiny duplex and heard a very unnerving sound coming from its front lawn 10 feet away. I turned to discover a tanktop wearing man throwing up on the front steps. I, feeling slightly embarrassed because I was remembering what it's like to throw up in front of someone, kept walking by pretending like I didn't notice.
Here's my issue with it:
The front door was open which means, he had just stepped outside to throw up? Why would he come out the front door to throw up in front of who knows who and their dog instead of using the back yard or...heaven forbid, the bathroom toilet?

The next day, I was washing my car in my mom's front yard and I overheard a man yelling at his wife on the front steps of a different duplex across the street from my mom. I counted about 10 words that started with the letter 'F' in only a 20 second period. It made me realize two things:

1- My home street is ghetto and only getting worse

2- What makes someplace the ghetto is simply that people suddenly decide to display all the things they should be embarrassed about on their front lawn....old broken down cars...throw get the idea.

...'and her mamma cried'....


jojoba said...

That is very sad. I think the problem is inherent with duplexes. They're fine when they're very close to a college campus, because then it's just college students everywhere. However, when it's in our neighborhood, it seems to attract a less desirable element...

Jeff said...

Gotta love the ghetto.

Stacey said...

I was kind of confused by the line at the end, but figure you were quoting something again. I still think you're great even if you're now from the ghetto. I just wrote about ghetto baths and then read your ghetto entry. Weird.

Jana and Rob said...

If the whole street goes completely ghetto, I know your mom's house will still be classy and clean.