Tuesday, July 14, 2009

activity bag - temple square edition

Can I re-emphasize enough how much I enjoy the activity bag? Last weekend, my friends lured my up to SLC under the guise of a sleepover and then surprised me with an extended birthday party. We ate dinner, had cake and ice cream and then they pulled out a special activity bag that they had made for downtown Salt Lake.

It included such activities as:

Measuring up to Joseph (notice how much I grow in the course of the activity):

In like a Lion; out like a roll: New discovery: show up to the Lion House right after they have closed their cash register and you get your rolls free!

Stopping to smell the roses on temple square: Also featured: my new haircut (no more damaged ends!) and some random lady's pony-braid (are people doing those again?!).

Getting committed by the sister missionaries.

Looking like fools as we use Adele's car to blow up our air mattresses for the sleepover and then carrying them back to her apartment:

The weather was so perfect! Thanks, ladies, for a great time.


Jeff said...

It looks like an excellent birthday. I'm glad you went from being half the size of Joseph to being 3 times his size.

jojoba said...

That sounds like an incredibly thoughtful idea for a birthday party. I also liked you next to differently-sized Joseph statues (Sorry, I didn't actually believe that you grew; maybe if you could have put a toy car in that last picture...).

Tia said...

How fun! Your hair is so dang cute! HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 Mondays ago!

Erin said...

Sounds like a fun day and an incredibly cute haircut!

Robyn said...

Ah, girls night out! Those are so much fun (especially with all of you). I'm glad you had fun.

Stacey said...

I, of course, am mostly a fan of the free goods. But the haircut is a nice addition to the verbal commentary I got on it.