Wednesday, December 03, 2008

bailout benefits and bull

Ok, I realize that I don't know much about this subject, so I'm asking for everyone's opinion on the matter. Is it just me, or is the big three bailout a bunch of bull-arky? I knew the gov't bailout of the large financial yahoos was a bad thing...because as soon as that happens then every other large American buisness comes crawling to the government with the claim "well you helped them...why not us?". Foreign automakers have been more on top of making cars that are fuel efficient, thus going along with our sudden desires to be trendy and drive conservative cars. So should we reward our nation's automakers who have been ignoring that trend? Hopefully this isn't just a trend, though...I have to admit I find the big gasguzzlers pretty dang irksome, and I don't think it's bad for the companies that built them to have to pay a price for it. If the government helps them, then will they even try to invest in future technologies? Will they actually make their cars more fuel efficient? Why is it that new cars get just as bad or worse gas mileage as the same car 20 years ago? Have they made no improvements in that time?! Sounds like they need a wake-up call, not a handout.

I didn't vote for mitt romney in the primary, but I think he knows his stuff about business and I think I agree with him on much of what he says here.

So what are the benefits of a bailout?

1. temporarily save a lot of jobs?

that's all I got.


jojoba said...

I agree. I think their attempts to appease the buyer of today are laughable. A hybrid that gets 25mpg? Is this a joke?

Jeff said...

I totally agree with you. I did vote for Mitt Romney in the primaries and it was mainly for his business knowledge. I felt he could get the government and economy back on track. My belief on economics is that the economy is just like the human body, and it is really good at healing itself. Sometimes there are toxins in the body that are harmful, in the case of the big bailout of banks it was extremely risky lending. When the government bailed them out they were treating the symptom of the toxin rather than letting the body remove the toxin (by allowing those who make bad decisions to go out of business). I think it is the same with american car companies. I agree with Mitt Romney that we need to do some things so that it doesn't completely kill our economy but just bailing everyone out that makes bad business decisions is not the answer.