Friday, November 13, 2009

november concert series: part 2

This was totally a week ago, but it feels like a dream. And yes, I mean a dream come true! I'm almost ashamed how happy this concert made me. If you ever get the chance to see Regina Spektor live, take it.

There were so many things that made me nervous heading into this concert. Like: Where to park? How to get to the concert? How smashed would I get in the mosh-pit? How achy would my cursed flat feet get from standing so long? How hot would I get? How well would I be able to see? How many times would we get mugged in scary downtown west salt lake?

Most of those fears turned out to be unfounded (we only got mugged once). Everything worked out as slick as a schoolmarm's leg (as grandpa would say). Maybe that's because I had a schoolmarm with me (and she really does shave her legs a lot, I think). Luckily we are drinking age, so we could head up to the slightly less crowded balcony and even squish into some seats behind a railing (#1 best part of the night: sitting).

While we waited the 45 minutes as they set up the stage between the opening act and ms Spektor, we were relishing our padded bench balcony seats with excellent view of the poor unfortunate souls on the ground floor. I figured it was a good time for the standard self portrait shot of the two of us. We took approximately 10 that looked like this:And unfortunately the final one was the most decent of me (the only one with my eyes open):

Here's a piece for you to enjoy, though I'm guessing it's not the same if you weren't there.


jojoba said...

nice pictures. I'm kinda sad I missed the concert.

Mary Ann said...

Wow, tell me what it was like to get mugged. :) I like the first photo best.

Jeff said...

I like the picture of you asleep. You still look so happy.

Andrea said...

I love all things about this post. Those seats look amazing. Lucky.

Stacey said...

Ah that was a great clip! Dear to my heart.

Jana and Rob said...

How did we not see the "head" in the sign?? Darn it! That would have been so perfect. Even if we had accidentally done it, it would have been sweet to find that picture. Haha! Btw, I love your pictures at the concert.