Friday, July 23, 2010

3 things very dull

Sorry for the delay in posting. I've been waiting for something exciting or brilliant to write about. But who knows when that will ever happen - so instead, I propose a game. You may submit 'either one thing very clever...two things moderately clever...or three things very dull indeed.'

Well I need not be uneasy; as long as I am allowed 3 dull things. And here are the dull happenings of my last couple weeks:

It's so clean and shiny!
A week ago, I was walking into the front doors of my work and heard this clunk on the windows above me and a bird landed at my feet. Now this is not the first time I've seen birds posed like this outside these doors:
But, this was the first time it happened right in front of me! When I looked down, it was a hummingbird and it was still moving a little bit so I bent down (because, hey, I've never touched a hummingbird before) and I pet him a little bit until he stopped moving. Poor li'l fella. Is it gross that I touched him? ...But he was still alive! The next time I walked in that building there was different dead bird, but this time I didn't touch him. I want to make a large sign and post it on those super shiny windows: "Danger!... it may look like trees and sky to you but it's not!"

I am not what I buy...but I want to be
I went to Texas this last weekend and while there we stopped by Hobby Lobby and I found my bedside table! Something about the curve of its build appealed to me. It didn't occur to me until a few days later that I'm drawn to it because I want to live through it. Me, a flat two-by-four, can almost be made curvy just by looking at this thing night and morning.

It also has drawers that easily hold my cell phone at night, of which I am envious. Jeans these days make me look like I'm packing a revolver when I have my cell phone crammed in there.

reason #25 that I am an old lady
I started drinking Ensure. I'm unsure how long this is going to last - my breath smells like an old-folks home for 3 hours after I drink it.

My grandma was recently moved to a different care center and as I walked in yesterday I thought: Wow, my Ensure breath is so powerful, it has contaminated this whole building!

Ok, maybe one day I'll have something clever to say.


rob said...

You should get a window decal that looks like the silhouette of a hawk and post it in the problem windows. Birds will avoid those windows, and you'll be responsible for saving countless lives!

Also: does ensure taste the way it makes your breath smell?

Mary Ann said...

I think you failed--I wasn't at all bored. And I'm wondering why you didn't include your miraculous bathroom happenings. Too un-boring, perhaps? I'm thinking you should paint your curvy nightstand the amazing green color of... :)

Jana and Rob said...

You're so funny that even your "boring" posts make me laugh. I really like your nightstand. Sorry about the birds :( What's ensure good for?

jojoba said...

You should take Rob's advice so you don't have to witness so much death in your daily life.

jaustin620 said...

You must have driven to TX to be able to bring that night stand home. I like it. I may have to get me one. I've been looking for a nice nightstand for several years. We have a Hobby Lobby in Jackson, TN about 45 minutes from here.

Lou said...

Those poor little birds! I wonder if there's something you can do to save them. Talk to the building owner/manager. Where did Grandma get moved to? And Ensure? You ARE old. jk =) If it makes you feel any better my eyes are still bad even with contacts! I still have to hold things very close. So =)~ (maybe Ensure will help?)

Tia said...

Each time you post I laugh so much. Thank you.
I think you should go with Mary Ann's advice and paint it your signature green color.
I pulled into work yesterday and when I got out of my car I saw that I had parked just feet away from a dead cat that had been "played" with by birds or something. I was gagging the entire way as I ran into the building with my oatmeal and peaches in hand. I didn't want to eat breakfast after that.