Friday, May 30, 2008

deseret services, inc follow up

More than 2 years ago, I posted about an uncanny gift I have for helping guys get married.

I believe my special powers are still in force, though it's hard to tell since I haven't dated a whole lot in the last 2 years so I don't have many specific examples to share...apparently guys don't want to get married.

But, let me introduce you to my latest clients. Two brothers who were very kind in helping me with my 2008 goal of one date a month (hello! the year's not can't start dating someone else yet!). I went on two dates with one of them and one with the other. Without me even promoting my business to them, they both realized the gold mine that they had found. They pointed out to me that they both started exclusively dating their current girl-friends 1 day after their dates with me. I kid you not...both of them! Ok, they're not married or engaged yet, but I think things are promising.
(every blog apparently needs a photo to keep you readers um, here's a shameless plug for an awesome restraunt in slc...)

...anyway...another friend of mine that I was worried might be interested in me and so I avoided him just enough so he wouldn't ask me out informed me a few months later that he was engaged! So apparently a guy doesn't even need to ask me out, he just needs to be interested in me (that's how industrious I am...just like a honeybee)...but don't let that out.

Just so you know, the reverse doesn't work: There have been several guys that I have been interested in and even asked out and they still aren't married. In order for the magic to happen, the guy must be interested in me initially.

Monday, May 12, 2008

mr good enough

Sometimes I wonder if I'm just too turned off by the hateful raisins in the oatmeal to be able to enjoy the creamy, softness of the bland oats that surround said of wasting time just ignoring the raisins or pretending like I like them, i just throw the whole thing out. Or, maybe I decide it's a waste of time to even mix up the oatmeal...I already know I won't like it so why start? Or maybe I just think oatmeal is too bland and all this time I've been wasting my time with oatmeal when I would rather eat captain crunch for breakfast. Captain crunch is anything but soft and mellow (unless I wait 20 min after pouring the milk). But captain crunch is more risky.Are you catching my code language for dating? Several months ago, I read an article that made me think "dang, I could have been married years ago!" If only it had occurred to me to settle.
I'm not saying that I've had a myriad of opportunities to settle. But even if I had, I don't think I could stomach it. Sure, they're good guys...they would probably be great husbands...and fathers.... But is it too much to ask that I enjoy being around them? That they have a personality that I like? That they understand my jokes? That they dress semi-respectable? I don't think it's fair to a guy for me to go into the relationship thinking from the start "well, I will just get them a different haircut and take them clothes shopping and they will be fine"Unfortunately, up until now in my life, the only people that have occupied that overlapping circle space in my life have been family members or friends. What are the chances that after 28 years of no prospects, the next 28 will hold any better odds? It's seeming less likely than the first 28.

Maybe I'm missing the point. Maybe I'm just supposed to settle for Vanilla Ice.