Thursday, April 05, 2012

part 32

Things that keep Melissa alive

Part 32: the funny (part 2)

There's a lot of different kinds of funny, I find.  I talked about funny books already.  But what about funny internet?  Or funny tv?  I rediscovered Jay Leno's Headlines yesterday.  They are both!  I might have had a hard time stifling my guffaws in my office.  There was lots of coughing... and clearing my throat.  Here's a sampling:

Does constipation make you deaf?

 Makes the colonoscopy all worth it

 Well NOW you have my attention!

 I hope they ate it before the cement hardened!

I like it when the weather channel tells me how I should feel

 There you have them.  If you're ever bored with lots of internet to spare, might I recommend heading over to Jay Leno's site and checking out the headlines!  Nothing like laughing at other people's mistakes to keep you alive.


jojoba said...

Do not read at work. "General sadness" was probably the one that was the most embarrassing to read. Luckily I'm in a cubicle so I couldn't see anyone actually looking at me weird when they heard me laughing.

Mary Ann said...

Headlines are one of the only things I like about Leno lately. Thanks for sharing.

Jeff said...

Those are pretty awesome.