Saturday, December 18, 2010

Parts 22, 23 & 24 of 365

Things that Keep Melissa Alive

Part 22: New Digs!
Part 23: Cool Ocean!
Part 24: New Job!

You know when people ask you what's new and you very lamely respond..."not much, you?" I got to the point where I thought I would never ever have anything new to tell anyone. Well guess what? New is now my middle name. I can talk for hours about New. Unfortunately, I don't have time to talk for hours about it on here and that's what this post is about.

Here's how it played out:

New Digs! - On Saturday, Nov 19th, I moved into my sweet new basement living quarters. I seriously love pretty much everything about the place. Here's the positives and negatives:

  1. Close proximity to the home I grew up in
  2. Close proximity to Burger King
  3. Continuing close proximity to McDonalds and Ridleys (they're everywhere!)
  1. Close proximity to the home I grew up in
  2. Lack of close proximity to Home Depot
  3. Lack of close proximity to Del Taco
Obviously, I have made some big sacrifices to move here by giving up having del taco and home depot just around the corner.

Cool Ocean! - On Sunday, Nov 21st at 6am, I flew to Hawaii with my family for thanksgiving!

I'm pretty sure I have the distinction of being the first person to throw up in the newly dedicated Hawaii temple. The honor is mine, really.

I want to know who doesn't feel like this when standing in front of forsythia?

New Job! - Monday the 29th of November, I started my new job! We arrived home from Hawaii that same morning at about 2am, I slept for 4 hours and then got up to start my first day!

This is really the reason I am posting today. My new job is actually a JOB, it turns out. I am busy from the moment I sit down until 9-10 hours later when I finally pry my sweaty wrists from the formica desktop. This is very disappointing for me because it takes away from my usual job-type activities like: checking my email, IMing with friends, watching the occasional tv show on hulu, arranging my life via google docs...and blogging. Yes, blogging. It turns out, if I don't have time to do it at work, I don't really want to do it. Just so you know, I'm going to try to keep it up, but my goal is somewhat diminished. My new goal is once a month.


It seems like my life is crazy and stressful but I guess that's part of being alive! ...and that er... keeps me alive.


Cox Family said...

Larsh, you rock. And, you're standing in front of Bougainvillea, not Forsythia.

Thought you'd want to know...


PS this is Rob, not Cynthia

Jeff said...

Congratulations on being the first temple puker. That is quite an honor. Congrats on the new job and new place as well.

Cox Family said...

This is Cynthia and I don't think it's Bougainvillea, I don't know what it is, but I don't agree with Rob. Congrats and the new, new is good.

glarcy said...

Danggit, Rob is right. I don't know why I said Forsythia. I knew it was bougainvillea... i swear i did.

Andrea said...

Yeah for a new exciting job!! I'm sad no iming though and I used to work at a Ridley's in Idaho.. random.

Tia said...

All three are so exciting! What was your favorite part of Hawaii (since I'm guessing it wasn't puking in the Temple)?
Merry Christmas!!

bethy said...

I like your cute hair! I miss talking to you. When are you going to visit us. Have you already raacked up loads of vacation time at your new job? ;)

Mary Ann said...

I'm glad you're alive, but aren't you missing something else that is new in your life? :)