I was heating up my michelina's lunch today and decided to wander around the break room looking at the vending machine options.
A familiar sight greeted me:

You see, whoever fills the vending machines in our office complex likes to jazz things up by putting a bunch of random items in one slot for 25 cents each. (if they weren't pretzels and raisin cookies, I'd totally go for it) He also likes to advertise this fact and other items he feels we should take note of with classy sticky notes. I have to admit, I like it. It gives our cold business-like office a down-home ghetto feel.
Are you wondering how I know he's a
he? It's because he has my Dad's handwriting. This, to me, is proof that my Dad is still involved in my every day life. Telling me that the
cream cheese danish and king sized snickers are only 75 cents is another way of him saying "I know the thoughts, desires and struggles in your life, and I am working on them... I thought I'd start with your office vending."
One thing I've never looked at is the drink machine. So I wandered over to inspect it's sticky:

Now what would you do if you saw this? That's right.. I
had to buy it, of course. In my heart I knew it had no chance of coming out as a bottle of A&W rootbeer but I couldn't resist so I stuck my 75 cents in as my pulse raced and I pushed the button.

Apparently dad wanted me to drink a diet pepsi with lime that expired in Feb 2010. Lesson learned.
Have I ever told you how hilarious you are?!? Random fact of the day...vending machine guy is deaf and when I call him to reload our machines I have to talk to a relay system...awkward! I have asked multiple times to get rootbeer in the vending machine and everytime he comes back with everything...but root beer. Must have had a sale on Rasberry Lemonade instead of rootbeer this month!
I'm so glad your dad inspired you to drink expired diet pepsi with lime. Parents are always there for us.
Dad's sense of humor can be very odd. You know this. However, I am glad you did just as I would have.
I am so glad you pushed the button. It would have bothered me to not be able to know what the surprise was. Thanks for saving me from that kind of torture.
I'm so glad you appreciate ghetto. I'm just sad I can't read what all the post-it notes say.
Surprises all around! Can't get better than that.
I wish we had sticky notes and sales on vending machine treats.
However, we do have Drink Roulette. Every time the power goes out, which for some reason happens only to the drink machine once or twice a week, it starts playing Drink Roulette, which for the Diet Coke addicts is a dangerous game. They usually get lemonade instead of Diet Coke--despite what the button says. Then they spend lunch trying to trade their lemonade for The Drink They Must Have to Survive the Day. Sometimes their addiction really shows when they start borrowing money from everyone for another chance to play Drink Roulette.
Also, bravo on the post. It is very funny and a good read aloud. Jon laughed quite a bit.
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